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Rania Ragab

Rania Ragab

The German authority of the scientific exchange announces that there is a training course in cooperation with the projects support unit. The training course is entitled “writing proposal for post-Docs” and it is held under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the acting president of Benha University and prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the dean of the veterinary medicine. Prof.Dr. Muhammad El-Fouly, the professor in the national researches center and the certified trainer in the DAAD. This course will be held in 30-10-2018.

The sector of the cultural affairs and the scholarships announces that it is time to apply to the scholarships plan for the second year 2018/2019. For those interested, kindly visit the website of the sector of the cultural affairs and the scholarships.

Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the acting president of Benha University stresses that the university seeks to cooperate with the international Universities and achieves openness policy to the whole world by activating the protocols between Benha University and these universities and exchanging the faculties’ members and the students in addition to making the common and curriculums and increasing the scholarships. These procedures seek to enhance the academic reputation of the university and its international ranking.

Prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby, the acting president of Benha University receives a report about the IT projects’ performance. This report was handed out by prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizawy and prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa and it includes the status quo of the IT projects and the ways to develop them.

Sunday, 23 September 2018 11:27

Apply to cheveing scholarship for 2018 now!

The students can apply to cheveing scholarship for 2018 from 6-8-2018 to 6-11-2018. The scholarship of cheveing is a one-year scholarship to one of the biggest universities in UK.

On receiving the participating teams at the international festival of folkare in Ukraine, by the pastor of Lutsk church, Benha University's folkare team sings a religious song which is welcomed inside the church

Prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, the minister of education issues a decree to appoint prof.Dr. Hussien EL-Magraby as the acting president of Benha University starting from Saturday.

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president receives a phone call from prof.Dr. Khalid Abd EL-Gafer, The minister of the higher education and scientific research as he heaps praise on the performance of the university hospitals and thanks all the employees in the university hospitals

We encourage Benha University students to participate in the 7th round of the competition (IbTIECar2018). 
Deadline to apply: Friday July 20th, 2018. 
IbTIECar2018 Technology Tracks: 

  1. Embedded Systems
  2. IC Design
  3. IoT and Wearables
  4. Mobile Apps
  5. Communication
  6. Emerging Technologies
  7. Machine learning for natural language processing and speech processing
  8. AI and Federated Machine Learning

All the details can be found on competition IbTIECar2018 Website:
For the link to the announcement post. please check:

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady inaugurates the forum that is organized by the University and the pharmacists syndicate in El-Qulubia. This forum is about the addiction and its impact on the community’s security and the economy. EL-kady talks about his vision to face addiction and its problems in addition to declaring the steps taken by the University to cure the employees and students.