Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, seeks to achieve distinguished place among Nursing Faculties locally, regionally and internationally...


Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, is committed to preparing graduates capable of providing comprehensive nursing care with a high degree...


Faculty of Nursing seeks to achieve eight main goals, which are as follows-The faculty seeks to prepare distinguished students and graduates...


Benha university’s Job vacancies

Benha University announces that there are many job vacancies as follows:

1-    2 lecturers at the faculty of engineering /Shubra

2-    2 lecturers at the faculty of engineering /Benha

3-    2 lecturers at the faculty of agriculture

4-    1 lecturer at the faculty of computer and informatics 

Benha shows Egypt’s experience in the energy and the smart cities

The exhibition of china and the Arab countries witnesses many scientific sessions including a workshop about the energy and the smart cities in which many energy scientists from the Arab countries and China take part in. Benha University’s delegation under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady participates in the session and prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the professor in the faculty of engineer and the dean of the faculty of applied arts shows Egypt’s experience in the field of energy in addition to showing Egypt’s experience in setting up the new administrative capital that gets Egypt into the age of smart cities. 

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