Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, seeks to achieve distinguished place among Nursing Faculties locally, regionally and internationally...


Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, is committed to preparing graduates capable of providing comprehensive nursing care with a high degree...


Faculty of Nursing seeks to achieve eight main goals, which are as follows-The faculty seeks to prepare distinguished students and graduates...


" the university totally supports the stduents' union" say EL-magraby in his first metting of the university's students' union

Prof.Dr. Hussien magraby, the acting university president meets with the head and the members of the university's students' union in presence of prof.Dr. Khalid Esawai, prof.Dr. Ezat EL-khait, prof.Dr. Muhammad Gowda and prof.Dr. Moshbeh EL-Kheliy. The university president stresses that the university totally supports the students' union.

Benha university's council heaps praise on the articistic works of painting department in the faculty of specific education

The university's council hosts, in its last meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr .Hussien Magraby, prof.Dr. Saida Sakr, the lecturer of the painting department in the faculty of sepcific education and several stduents. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim, the faculty's dean and the accompaining delegation give the council members samples of their artistic works and the university president heaps praise on their works stressing that telent should be developed and linked to the marketplace.

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